Saturday, June 16, 2007

I really, really ought to give up.


Anonymous said...

No! You shouldn't! >:-(

Trials are sent to test you, and to make you stronger. It doesn't matter if you "pass" or "fail", merely being there and _attempting_ it is the success. To not even try, to give up, is the only failure.

(/me hopes she is not being too insensitive with whatever is troubling you atm... <(^_^)).

Waiting for my dear sit-addicted Sister inworld,
Alpha (^o^)

Glorfindel Arrow said...

That famous philosopher Vince Lombardi once said you can learn more from failure than from success.
So take a deep cleansing breath, walk around the block, take a break, don't do anything rash.... :o))

Camilla said...

I do not know the cause of the angst you have expressed in your last few posts. I can tell you that I know what it feels like to wrestle with the issues of your place and purpose in the world, both RL and SL, and where they intersect.

I have stepped away. I am waiting for my whirling thoughts to coalesce into some kind of consistent viewpoint.

I can tell you this does not come easily, or quickly. The process cannot be rushed.

Step back, Catherine. Do not quit. Just step away for now. There are no hasty decisions that must be made immediately. It will all still be here, even if you are not. You can come back later, when you have sorted it out. There is no need to "give up;" just step away for a while, and find yourself again. And take as long as you need to take to do that.

And know that I am thinking of you as you struggle with whatever it is that is causing you so much pain.

Anonymous said...

/me has a hug for you... and a shoulder to lean on if you need...