Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Assorted Nonsense

Hamlet to himself said he
in delirious soliloquy:
"Am I to be, or not to be?
Is this a bee I see by me?
A bee? Two bees? ... Or is't just me?
Do bees, too, mock my misery?"

Trochee! trochee! List' to me,
William Blake was fond of thee.
"Tyger, Tyger" starts with three...
Oh, scrap this silly parody!

Wyllyam Blake, he wrote so well,
But I must sai he could not spell.
Nor could he rhime. Have you read hys
"Mercy, Pity, Love and Peace"?

Catherine Moody, 2007-5-23

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

to spell or not to spell, that is the question. Is it nobler to express a dream, or to spell everything correctly?

Considering my own inability to spell things correctly on the first try - I would have to go with the former... :)