We all know that power comes with numbers. A single bee may not be threatening but I wouldn't go near a hive. A herd of elephants is a force to be reckoned with.
There is nothing quite as terrifying, however, as a group of librarians congregated in one place. Large numbers of serious, bespectacled librarians. Spacetime itself warps and cracks, unable to sustain the collective weight of their knowledge. I observed this myself at the meeting today at the open-air auditorium on Information Island.
I was fortunate enough to get this picture of almost forty librarians before the inevitable happened. It was a tragedy of apocalyptic proportions. It left us frozen in our seats, unable to leave, some making typing motions for eternity. As one of us would observe later, "the sim had crashed".
My friends, beware: the librarians are planning to meet again next Sunday!
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