Monday, February 26, 2007

Sunday afternoon music at the House of Flames

I went to Kurt Jano's (Kurt Bestor in real life) performance today at the House of Flames, run by Flameheart Sol. He was amazing, as before, playing many different instruments, telling great stories, and endearing himself to the audience by talking to them indiviually. He even mentioned me with much praise. That was so embarrassing... Kurt Bestor is a celebrity! Eep!

I met Lehua Lamington, the Hawaiian storyteller. I hope I can go to her next story session.

Louis Volare was great too. I need to learn to play jazz like Louis---or rather, Luigi. My friend Cricket turned up during the performance to tell me that he had read this blog. We danced. It was so nice. Cricket is always such a gentleman.

An unusually large number of newbies wandered into the House of Flames while the music was going on. Maybe they had come over from the new Shelter in Swinside, drawn by the crowd. I should go and have a look at the new Shelter one day.

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