This is our lovely female Brother, alphaTest03 Yohkoh, resident architect and ventriloquist of the Brotherhood of Twisted Prim. Actually, she prefers to be called a "Sister".
On this occasion we were visiting a sky cafe which alphaTest03 had been working on. She showed us her grand piano and played Debussy's "Clair de lune" and a famous Rachmaninoff prelude for us.
Earlier on the Brotherhood had an important meeting, complete with office chairs and desks. The main items on the agenda were the positioning of the texture previewers and the management of Brotherhood land. I felt that our members were indeed demonstrating those worthy qualities of trust and sincerity which the Brotherhood was founded upon. My own role seems to be to entertain people with frivolous activities such as penguin-riding, giant poseball soccer, and magic carpet tours. My magic carpet did come in very useful though when we had to go up to Mykyl's sky platform and our magical powers of teleportation weren't working.
We have a lovely little shop in Faeria Village now, next to The Booksmythe. FD made a beautiful calligraphic sign saying "Brotherhood Of The Twisted Prim". I'm beginning to be proud of our shop now. ... Oh, you must come to see the village! There is a pub called "Slainte"---Celtic for "cheers"---where you can play Othello while munching on magic mushrooms while listening to soothing music. There is a campfire and a pond and an ice-cream cart. Yay! I love ice cream.
Today I got a message from a newbie who had found me from the "Writers of SL" group. He seemed to know an awful lot for a day-old newborn. Since he was a literary type, I put him in touch with J1mmy and Alphonsus. My little circle of friends is really growing.
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