[To do: take picture of prims; add link to SL web]
[Further editing pending]
What an fascinating world this is.
Isn't it wonderful how so much variety and complexity can arise from seven basic building blocks? I was amazed to learn that so much in our world is made of little blocks and balls---castles, helicopters, fountains, beds, dresses, even living creatures like my dear little cat. It seems impossible. But I'm told that that's how it is---little blocks join to form large blocks, and large ones to form enormous shopping malls.
It reminds me of that place we call "real life". From quarks, to electrons, to atoms and molecules and cells and tissues and us, new and wonderful things emerged at every level. And then there were families, villages, kingdoms, nations. And in another direction there was cognition, creativity, emotion. All emerging from a few simple rules of nature.
Praise be to the Creator(s)!
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